Palden Pema Ödling Three-year Retreat Center

Palden Pema Ödling Three-year Retreat Center has been a sanctuary for dharma practitioners for centuries. Its ideal location, isolated from the busyness of everyday life and surrounded by natural amenities such as clean drinking water, lush green forests, and scenic views, makes it perfect for meditation.

Historically, many practitioners have dwelled at this site since the 9th century, starting with Prince Tsangma’s time. Notably, the founder Yogi of the Long-nying Chöling Monastery, along with other practitioners, led a life of vagabondage, traveling from hermitage to hermitage.

During the tenure of the 2nd Abbot, Yogi Lama Phuntsok Dorji, the predecessor of Khenpo Namchak Dorji, the Dzogchen practice lineage flourished. Practitioners engaged in rigorous solitary retreats in bamboo huts atop Blongla Mountain. Later, they moved to a location below the mountain to continue their practices, ranging from preliminary (Ngondro) to the Great Perfection (Dzogchen). After Yogi Lama relocated to another isolated place, the retreat site gradually became deserted as disciples moved or passed away.

In the 1980s, the 5th Abbot Lama Norbu Wangdi, along with Lama Dolma Wangdi, successfully completed a three-year retreat in the same bamboo huts. During this period, Lama Neljorpa, a great yogi of Mahamudra and Dzogchen, visited and blessed the site, offering guidance to the retreatants. However, the continuation of retreats ceased due to poor facilities. The bamboo huts were not durable against natural elements, and there was no electricity until 2006 or motorable road access until 2015. Today, the nearest town is a two-hour drive on a rough farm road.

Despite many practitioners engaging in several months or years of retreat, the lack of durable facilities prevented them from entering traditional three-year retreats. Recognizing this need, Khenpo Namchak Dorji and the monastic community planned to build 16 permanent retreat cabins and a separate temple for common teachings. Under Khenpo Namchak Dorji’s supervision, they have completed five retreat cabins with all necessary facilities, but budget constraints have delayed further construction.

At the beginning of 2023, a formal three-year retreat program began, and the retreat center was named Palden Pema Ödling after Omniscient Jigme Lingpa’s retreat center in Tibet. Eight dedicated practitioners are now fully immersed in the profound spiritual practices of the Longchen Nyingtik lineage, supported by modern amenities.

Upon completion of their retreat, a new batch of three-year retreatants will take their place, with the monastic foundation continuing to provide necessary facilities and support. Once more retreat cabins are completed, these facilities will be available to both monastics and lay practitioners for long-term and short-term retreats. New retreatants will enter every four years, and older ones may stay if they wish.

May the tradition of authentic Vajrayana practice flourish worldwide and benefit countless beings!