
Our mission is to preserve and enhance the centuries-old monastery and its associated spiritual practices. We focus on:

  • Supporting the infrastructure development and maintenance of the monastery.
  • Facilitating annual Dharma events such as Dudchodhey Bumdhe at the monastery.
  • Providing assistance to three-year retreatants and Gomchens.
  • Supporting monk education through our monk school, winter dharma coaching programs, and facilitating higher education in monastic universities.
  • Enabling elderly individuals to practice Dharma

The Long-nying Chöling Foundation aims to advance and cultivate spiritual awareness both locally and globally, particularly through the study and practice of the Nyingma School of Vajrayana Buddhism. This includes its philosophy, religion, psychology, and various aspects that promote love, compassion, peace, and nonviolence. We are committed to:

  • Offering religious services and spiritual instruction to the public.
  • Supporting meditation centers, seminaries, affiliated congregations, and personal/spiritual growth programs.
  • Emphasizing charitable projects, providing resources and funding to humble ordained and lay Buddhist practitioners, and supporting monasteries, meditation centers, seminaries, ceremonies, and related programs.

By fostering a favorable environment for spiritual and societal development, we aim to inspire kindness and compassion, uphold the principles of Buddhist philosophy, and ensure the sustainability of Bhutan’s spiritual heritage. Our foundation also ensures that religious practices remain separate from political activities, maintaining a focus on spiritual enlightenment above worldly concerns.

Board of Directors

 Ven. Lama Norbu Wangdi (5th Abbot) Chairman

Ven. Khenpo Namchak Dorji (7th Abbot) Vice Chairman

Lopon Sangay Wangdi (Acharya Degree, equivalent to M.A in Buddhist Studies) Secretary

Namchak Wangdi Deputy Secretary

Lopon Neten Dorji (Acharya Degree, equivalent to M.A in Buddhist Studies) Treasurer