Annual Events

The Annual Events at the Monastery

For more than a century, this monastery has served as a center for Buddhist activities such as receiving teachings, the transmission of empowerments, seeking various spiritual advice and healing rituals for people, and rituals for the deceased.

The monthly and annual ceremonies currently held uninterruptedly by the Lamas and Gomchens (lay Vajrayana practitioners in Bhutan) in the monastery include:

  • Drupchen: Intensive group sadhana practices for 10 days
  • Drupchod: Intensive group sadhana practice for 7 days
  • Tsechu: Guru Rinpoche Day
  • Nyer-nga: Dakini Day
  • Nyungne: 8-16 days of fasting rites
  • Various Chod practices: Including Rinchen Threngwa (Jewel Garland), Tröma (Krodikali), Khandro Gye-gyang (Dakini’s Laughter)
  • Recitation of Kangyur: 108 volumes of Buddhist Canon
  • Recitation of Prajnaparamita: 16 volumes of the Sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom
  • Recitation of Various other sutras and tantras

Other events include the four great Buddhist festivals: Miracle Months, Saga Dawa (Vaishakha), First Sermon, and Descending Day of Lord Buddha, which are observed with various Mahayana and sacred Vajrayana ritual practices.

Among these, the annual Chökor festival from August 28th – September 2nd of 2024 includes the recitation of Prajnaparamita (16 volumes Sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom), Hungla (Obstacle Removing Rituals), and Chökor, the ceremonial procession of Dharma texts around the village and the Ganachakra feast of Dugngal Rangdrol.

The annual Tsechu ceremony is performed with the most elaborate Rigzin Düpa Drupchod practice, including three days of sacred cham dances, and will be held from January 7th – 10th of 2025.